Daw Ohmar Aung, B.Sc (Math), M.I.Sc.
Email: ohmaraung@ucstgi.edu.mm
Biography: She received the Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc., Math.) from Taunggyi University (Taunggyi) and Master of Information Science degree from University of Computer Studies, Mandalay, Myanmar in 1997 and 2003 respectively. Currently, she is a Lecturer in Faculty of Computing at University of Computer Studies (Taunggyi).
Academic Qualifications:
B.Sc (Math), M.I.Sc
– M.I.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Computer Studies, Mandalay, Myanmar, 2003.
– B.Sc.(Math.) in Science, Taunggyi University (Taunggyi), Myanmar, 1997.
Academic Dissertation:
– Master Dissertation: “Management Information System of M.C.D.C (Water Supply and Sanitation Dept.)”, M.I.Sc, 2003.
Professional Experience:
– The University of Computer Studies, Taunggyi (as an Lecturer)
– The University of Computer Studies, Taunggyi (as an Tutor and an Assistant Lecturer)
– The Government Computer Collage, PKU (as a Tutor)
– The Government Computer Collage, Pinlon (as a Tutor)
– The Government Computer Collage, Taunggyi (as a Tutor)
Research Journal Publication:
- Ohnmar Aung , Nang Win Phyu Phyu Naing, “Opinion Mining From Tourist Reviews in Bagan, (JRA,UCSMTLA), pp -62 to 66 , December 2019, Volume 1, Issue-01.
- Ohnmar Aung , Nang Win Phyu Phyu Naing, “Survival Analysis for Delay Prediction Based on Queue Model”, JCAR,UCS(TGI), pp-221 to 225 , May 2011, Volume 1, Number-01.
- Thwe, Ohnmar Aung, “ Information Retrieval System by using WSD and DICE Coefficient”,IJSRSET,2020,pp-274 to 279, April 2020, Volume-07, Issue-02