Faculty of Computer Systems & Technologies (FCST)


Dr. Nang Kaythi Hlaing


Head of FCST


U Thae Maung

Assistant Lecturer

Daw Nyo Mar Min

Assistant Lecturer

Daw Thinn Thinn Phyu

Assistant Lecturer

Offer Subjects

Subject Code Field of Study
CST-101 Principles of Information Technology and Digital Fundamentals I 
Computer Application
CST-203 Digital Fundamentals II and Advanced Data Structure
CT-205 Computer Application II and Digital Fundamentals II 
Web Programming
CT-206 Electrical Circuits I
CT-301 Computer Organization and Assembly 
Operating System
CT-303 Data and Computer Communication and Computer Networking
CT-304 Electronic I
CT-305 Linear Control System I
Computer Architecture I
CT-306 Electrical Circuit II
Assembly Language
CT-403 Introduction to Micro controllers and Introduction to Embedded System
CT-404 Computer Architecture II
CT-405 Computer System II and Cryptography
CT-406 Data and Computer Communications II
Computer Security
CST-502 Distributed Computing System and Advanced Networking
CT-503 Fuzzy Logic
CT-504 Embedded Systems Network Security
CT-505 Digital Signal Processing 
Image Processing and Computer Vision